Oberlin College Seal - a symbol betrayed.
Oberlin College, betrayed in the vendetta against Gibsons' Bakery.
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The Oberlin College Series

Posted Sep 7, 2019 at 00:08.
Revised Apr 2, 2023 at 15:24.

Gibson Bakery Event Summary

Gibson Bakery Litigation Updates.

Dereliction of duty explodes.

This blog calls out the dereliction of duty and breach of fiduciary duty by the BOT’s members for allowing the FUBAR, Keystone Kops style Gibson’s v. Oberlin College litigation and other events to run so far out of control.
It appears that misinterpreting the first amendment’s freedom of speech provision is the College’s new excuse for letting slander run wild. The BOT has accidentally given license to anyone associated with the College to shove whatever words they might choose into the College’s mouth, all in support of “free speech!”

Now you can say in all honesty, Nobody told me!
/s/ JD Nobody (ho, hum), OC '61.

The purpose of this blog is to tell the other side of the Gibson's Bakery, OSCA, the Kosher-Halal Co-op, faculty independence, and UAW stories to Oberlin Alumni lest they believe the College's heavily redacted and whitewashed version of events. Please tell your fellow Obies how the Trustee-Politburo has damaged the Gibsons, the College's reputation, the worth of our degrees, the college's union workers, K-H, faculty independence, and the OSCA Co-op tradition. No sleazy PR can divert attention from the BOT's negligence in these matters. Speak up and insist that the BOT arrest its compulsive, neo-Puritan righteousness, which has already eradicated THOUSANDS of $36,000 scholarships, a cooperating union, K-H, the OSCA Student Co-op, and hobbled a world class faculty — just to wreck a tiny bakery!
Retrieved Oct 15, 2024 at 18:32.
Copyright © 2018-2024 Charles E. Dial. All rights reserved.

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nina burleigh

I am a journalist seeking input for a story in a national magazine on campus speech. Please email me if interested in participating.


The Ohio Supreme Court has voted to not hear either the College’s appeal or Gibson’s cross-appeal.

2022-0583. Gibson Bros., Inc. v. Oberlin College. Lorain App. Nos. 19CA011563 and 20CA011632, 2022-Ohio-1079. Appeal and cross-appeal not accepted. Donnelly and Stewart, JJ., dissent. Brunner, J., dissents and would accept the appeal on proposition of law Nos. I, II, and IV and would accept the cross-appeal.




The Ohio Supreme Court has voted not to hear either the College’s appeal or Gibson’s cross-appeal.


2022-0583. Gibson Bros., Inc. v. Oberlin College.
Lorain App. Nos. 19CA011563 and 20CA011632, 2022-Ohio-1079. Appeal and
cross-appeal not accepted.
Donnelly and Stewart, JJ., dissent.
Brunner, J., dissents and would accept the appeal on proposition of law
Nos. I, II, and IV and would accept the cross-appeal.




The College has filed an appeal with the Ohio Supreme Court.


Hi Mr. Dial,
Thank you for creating this website. I’ve learned a lot! Two thoughts come to mind:  

  1. I haven’t heard a peep from any of the organizations that joined the appeal over the “free speech” issue (American Booksellers Association, WEWS TV news in Cleveland, etc.). Not a word of disappointment that the appeal was denied. I bet there’s a backstory here.
  2. The Oberlin Review hasn’t been published since March 25. I realize they had spring break, but aren’t they late? I’m curious to see their take on the appeal being denied. I assume they’re going to address it eventually, rather than let time go by and eventually carry on as if nothing significant happened. What do you think?
Disgusted Parent

I cannot put into words the disgust I feel for this “institution of higher learning.” (That is a misnomer.) My daughter is almost done her studies there, and I deeply regret she went to Oberlin at all, but we did not know of this case when she was accepted, nor how insane this school really is. I will never give this school another dime. I am so sorry for what the Gibsons went through, and am glad justice prevailed for them, and I will continue to patronize their store every chance I get. Shame, shame, shame on Oberlin’s morally bankrupt administration and the poor example they set for their students. I would never recommend this school to anyone, ever. So grateful Ohio still has some honorable judges.

Another good overview of the case is here: https://legalinsurrection.com/2022/03/appeals-court-upholds-gibsons-bakery-massive-verdict-against-oberlin-college/


The Appeals Court released their decision today, March 31, 2022.


Devon Howe

JD – I was following the Gibson’s lawsuit from the beginning. I even drove from Albany, NY to watch the trial for a day. I shook David Gibson’s hand and told him he was a great American for standing up to the nonsense. I was hoping that the result would send a message to college/university administrators that there is a difference between free speech and slander, and they would teach these concepts to their students…and maybe that happened…but it is incredible to watch Oberlin administrators who refuse to get the point. They continue to dig themselves into a hole…and they keep digging. I found your website after reading your comments on Legal Insurrection. You make some good points. I hope your pressure results in some BOT turnover. The whole place is sick…they need a complete overhaul.

Thanks for your efforts.

Devon Howe

KEVIN Daniels

This is a breath of fresh air to hear such rational and well argued defense of right side of this issue. I WILL GLADLY read and respond to future threads to this disscussion.
KEVIN Daniels. Oc 1992′


Is there an organized alumni effort to lobby and/or replace the BOT.

And how in the hell is Raimondo still employed?


Good job on the site. Oberlin College upper management needs to be broomed. They are arrogant and incompetent.

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