Gibson Bakery Litigation Updates

Oberlin College Seal - a symbol betrayed.
Oberlin College, betrayed in the vendetta against Gibsons' Bakery.

Posted Mar 8, 2023 at 09:43.
Revised Apr 2, 2023 at 15:19.

ChaosFarm LogoChaosFarm Update

Winter is coming, and the growing population of black squirrels is reducing the population of lighter colored squirrels.

The Fall and Winter here at ChaosFarm have been warmer than in most of the world. No complaints.

chutzpah, hype and horse manure for the Gibson Bakery appellate court decisionGibson Bakery Litigation Updates

10/7/2022. BOT repeals history!

The Oberlin College BOT has decided to end 180+ years of faculty independence (The Finney Compact). This will reduce the faculty to hired help, whose job now is to shut up and follow orders. The BOT has had the authority all along to kill the 180+-year-old Finney Compact without the consent of anyone else. Until now, the BOT understood that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

9/11/2022. Gibsons paid.

The Oberlin College BOT has humbled itself and agreed to pay the Gibsons the court-ordered settlement. As one would expect from such a sanctimonious group, the percentage being paid by insurance has not been revealed. Why should it be? It is not the BOT’s money, but only money from dead benefactors!

Post-trial developments.

5/27/2022. It’s April Fool’s Day in Oberlin!

Oberlin College has combined April Fool’s Day and Ground Hog Day. Will the court order immediate payment to the Gibsons?

5/16/2022. Off to the races again!

Oberlin College has filed a jurisdictional appeal of the Gibson decision with the Ohio Supreme Court. Historically, the court has agreed to hear less than 10% of the Jurisdictional Appeals filed in it.

3/31/2022. Gibson’s Bakery wins!

The court has chosen to present Oberlin college with its verdict just in time for April Fool’s day, apparently to salute the college for its folly in this matter. The following is from the official and heavily censored Oberlin College alumni website:

Oberlin Alumni Association
Today, President Ambar shared the message below with Oberlin’s students, faculty, and staff. We wanted to share it with you, our alumni, as well. Dear students, faculty, and staff, An Ohio appeals court in Akron issued its ruling today regarding Gibson’s Bakery. We are still reviewing the 50-page decision, but I can share that the appeals court has kept the lower court’s judgment intact. While this news is disappointing, we knew it was a possibility. The Board is reviewing the Court’s opinion carefully, will consult with counsel, evaluate our options and determine our next steps. We recognize that the issues raised by this case have been challenging, not only for the parties involved in the lawsuit but for the entire Oberlin community. But this outcome does not change the things we know to be true. It is still true that Oberlin is a great institution. We have a rich history that we can be proud of and a bright future that we have the joy of being able to shape. This ruling does not change our core work to create a dynamic and innovative environment for Oberlin students. We also are committed to fostering a positive work environment for our faculty and staff. Oberlin remains a place students enter to learn to meet the world as it is and a place they leave with the skills to go out and change the world for good. I am optimistic, not because the circumstances are always favorable, but because I believe that I am with the right community, at the right institution, at the right time. I could not be prouder of our work together, and this good work will continue. I look forward to what is possible and to our collective efforts.

Best regards,
Carmen Twillie AmbarPresident

3/27/2022. Waiting…

There is no indication when the Gibson case appeal, heard in early November 2020,  will be decided. Earlier, the appellate court ordered the trial court to unseal (publish) Allyn D. Gibson’s voluminous private Facebook posts.

8/22/2021. Missing judge replaced.

The court has replaced the missing judge hearing the appellate panel for the Gibson Bakery matter.

4/6/2021. Oberlin’s Sex Police Lose.

College loses sexcapades appeal.

4/5/2021. Oberlin Loses Title  IX case.

Court rules against college and Title IX.

12/20/2020. Following stupid orders?

The rats in the administration may be just soldiers following stupid orders from the BOT. If this is the case, the BOT will likely blame their soldiers and fire them for committing war crimes — i.e., following immoral orders.

12/8/2020. BOT lied to by College Administration?

Badly choked communication channels between the BOT and the college administration strongly suggest that the BOT was extensively and glibly lied to by people they trusted. That would explain a lot.

OberlinChaos is now working with other interested parties to find a way out of the tragic corner where the BOT finds itself. Attempting to reason with the BOT might be an exercise in absurdity.

Now you can say in all honesty, Nobody told me!
/s/ JD Nobody (ho, hum), OC ’61.

The purpose of this blog is to tell the other side of the Gibson’s Bakery, OSCA, the Kosher-Halal Co-op, faculty independence, and UAW stories to Oberlin Alumni lest they believe the College’s heavily redacted and whitewashed version of events. Please tell your fellow Obies how the Trustee-Politburo has damaged the Gibsons, the College’s reputation, the worth of our degrees, the college’s union workers, K-H, faculty independence, and the OSCA Co-op tradition. No sleazy PR can divert attention from the BOT’s negligence in these matters. Speak up and insist that the BOT arrest its compulsive, neo-Puritan righteousness, which has already eradicated THOUSANDS of $36,000 scholarships, a cooperating union, K-H, the OSCA Student Co-op, and hobbled a world class faculty — just to wreck a tiny bakery!

Retrieved Feb 22, 2025 at 22:06.
Copyright © 2018-2025 Charles E. Dial. All rights reserved.

By JD Nobody

JD Nobody, OC '61, had a 56-year career in developing software. This involved IT application design and maintenance, software engineering, bank operations, and article-composing software for The Business Torts Reporter. In the US Air Force, he was an ICBM launch officer, administrative officer, and finance officer.

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